Saturday, September 19, 2009, 09:16 PM
If God is waiting for someone to be ready for the gift of prophecy, Anne Graham Lotz is probably high on His list. She has the heart of a prophet. Her message from Isaiah 6 last night (in Lakeland, Florida) was deep.

I really enjoyed the time I spent under the teaching ministry of Jim Whitmire and Jason Breland.

Singing in a choir of 150+ with a 50 piece orchesra was great, but standing inchs from the drummer, the bass guitar, the wailing lead guitarist and a a few feet from the 20 piece brass section meant it was finally loud enough for me!

As special bonus, my 1st voice professor at UCF, Libby Wrancher, attended on Thursday. She is almost 80 and is remarkably healthy.

The event has its own website:

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