Christian Life

The following resources are intended to help those who believe in Jesus grow (or survive!) by reviewing some of Jesus’ most difficult teachings. We all need to hear and think about Jesus’ teaching concerning self-control, choosing the right way over our own preferences.  Regardless of how much we know, it is always good to be reminded about those aspects of our faith that we are most prone to neglect. 


‘Cross training’ is a double entendre’.. Just as athletes learn that sometimes it is better to train in multiple sports, and not just specialize in one, so Believers should not think that their spiritual life has only one dimension. We literally need to ‘cross-train’ so that our spiritual lives are not neglected as we work hard to learn all of the truths in the Bible. Today, the idea of  each of us ‘carrying a cross’ seems odd and irrelevant, and culturally offensive.  So what did Jesus mean, and how are we to obey Him in this. That requires ‘Cross-Training.’

Many Belivers find ‘adult’ prayer difficult, and when called upon to pray, struggle and mostly repeat a short list of accumulated phrases.  There are many examples of prayers recorded in the Bible, and thinking about some of them can be very helpful. 

There are many who have written about their ‘cross-bearing’ journeys. Under ‘Resources’ is some suggestions for further encouragement. 



